4th Grade Teacher Jolene Lader » 4th Grade Supply List

4th Grade Supply List

*1 - Backpack

*1 - Earbuds or headphones (used regularly)

*2 - #2 Ticonderoga pencils w/ erasers, 12 pack

*1 - Colored pencils, 12 count

*1 - School Supply box/pencil box, plastic 8 1/2" X 5 1/4" X 2 1/4"

2 - Dry erase markers, low odor, assorted colors

1 - Each of green, pink/orange, and yellow highlighters

*1 - Markers, washable, Thin/Fine tip

2 - Elmer's white glue

*1 - Pack glue sticks

*1 - Watercolor paints with brush

1 - 1" 3-ring binder

1 - composition notebooks

1 - pack of wide-ruled binder paper

2 - 2-pocket folders, plastic (with or without prongs)

1 - 100 pack index cards

3 - large pink erasers OR 1 box of eraser pencil toppers

Please note - items with an * are higher priority


In addition to the supplies above, if you are able to help out our classroom by contributing/donating any of the general items listed below to our class it would be greatly appreciated!


Facial Tissue/Kleenex

Ziplock bags - Gallon, quart, sandwich, and/or snack sizes

Clorox wipes

Baby wipes

Oil pastel set (please do not purchase Dollar Tree brand)

Watercolor paper - 9 X 12 or 12 X 18

Ream of White Cardstock paper

Whiteboard  - 9 X 12

Scissors - for student use

Items for prize box - 

Any non-working small appliances that students can take apart such as keyboards, toasters, calculators, computer mice, small stereos, etc.