Rachelle Garton » Supply List

Supply List

Dear Parents,
Our class has a list of needed supplies that will help start off the school year. If you would like to donate, please bring your supplies the first week of school. Most donated supplies will be used as community supplies in our classroom. This will help our young students develop necessary skills such as sharing, friendship, kindness, and teamwork. Supplies will be introduced as needed throughout the school year. Additional supplies may be needed throughout the year or for special art or STEM projects. Thank you in advance for your contribution to our classroom. 
Thank you,
Mrs. Garton
Please label the following with your child's name and bring the first day of school:
Water bottle 
Napping blanket (if your child is staying full day)
Classroom Wishlist- Please do not label (if you wish to donate items to the classroom)
Classroom snacks (cheerios, gold fish, mini apples, string cheese etc.)
Washable markers
Crayola crayons
Kleenex tissues
Clorox wipes
Band-Aids for classroom use and for field trips
glue sticks
side walk chalk