
Welcome to RSTEM's Library!

Explore links to free online resources and online materials provided by the California State Library. Email Tina Breitbach at [email protected] if you have any questions. See the March 16th school newsletter for usernames and passwords.

Free Resources

  • PBS Kids PBS is working to provide additional educational resources should students need to learn from home. Sign up for a daily newsletter here.
  • Scholastic Learn at Home
California K-12 Digital Resources

The following databases are provided for all California students from the California State Library.

Encyclopaedia Britannica (PreK-12)

An interactive resource for research and learning for grades K-12. You can find age-appropriate resources by clicking on the Elementary, Middle, or High School links below.

Elementary  Middle  High Escolar


ProQuest (Grades 3-12)

CultureGrams SIRS Discover SIRS Issues Researcher elibrary Guided Research Edition elibrary Database Edition ProQuest Central Student ProQuest Research Companion Schools and Educators Complete

* The icons above work for accessing these resources on our school campus. The links below work off campus and require a username and password. See the March 16th school newsletter for the usernames and passwords or email Tina Breitbach at [email protected].)

  • CultureGrams - political information on countries, U.S. states, and provinces around the world. (Grades 3-12)

  • SIRS Discoverer - Safe, reliable, curriculum-aligned content and features for use by students and teachers. (Grades 3-9)

  • SIRS Issues Researcher - Pros and cons on complex social issues with relevant and credible information  (Grades 6+)

  • eLibrary - Guided Research edition- Periodical and digital media including more than 11,000 Research Topics (Grade 6+)

  • eLibrary Database Edition- Periodical and digital media guidance for beginning researchers. (Grades 6+)

  • ProQuest Central Student- Information on topics in education, humanities, psychology, science, social sciences, and news. (Grades 9+, IB, AP, College Prep)

  • ProQuest Research Companion (Grades 8+)


RSTEM's book collection

We have a great collection of print books and many more online resources that are waiting for you to explore!
Explore before you visit the library. Search the print books we have at RSTEM and find out about books similar to ones you've already read.

For Teachers: (PreK-12)

One-stop resources for books you are reading and teaching, including author and illustrator interviews, lesson plans, and other enrichment content.




Schools & Educators Complete - eBook subscription database of over 13,000 titles that supports English Language Arts, Science, Math, Social Studies, Health, Physical Education, Information Literacy and Technology. (Grades 9+, possibly some content for Middle School, also includes professional development content for faculty)